Results-driven surveillance services

Our surveillance team has a reputation for success. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, our team documents, reports, and intervenes when your assets are at risk.  Working in the private sector has a host of unique challenges for both corporate clients and our investigators.  Working within the confines of the law, we provide clients with focused and cost-effective solutions that gather the intelligence you need so that you can protect your assets and defend against fraud, theft, and other crimes against the business. 

The surveillance team at Nolan Enterprises is led by experienced private-sector corporate investigators and supported by surveillance specialists from Southern California’s law enforcement community and Military veterans.   Our team is uniquely suited to harness cutting edge technology and decades of practical field experience.   


Our Surveillance Team

Our surveillance team at Nolan Enterprises is led by experienced private-sector corporate investigators and supported by surveillance specialists from Southern California’s law enforcement community and Military veterans.   Our team is suited for any investigation and has the skill set to harness cutting-edge technology with decades of practical field experience.   

In today’s world, the truth isn’t always obvious. Whether you need to uncover fraud, locate missing assets, or monitor employee activities, our expert surveillance team has the experience and resources to get you answers.

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Nolan Enterprises has a wide range of surveillance options to meet your needs

Surveillance Services

Missing Persons

Locate missing loved ones and heirs through proven surveillance methods.

Employee Monitoring

Monitor employees, identify misconduct, and document activities for disciplinary action.

Asset Tracking

Track missing assets, identify storage locations, lawfully recover property.

Infidelity Investigations

Discreetly surveil unfaithful spouses to document affair evidence conclusively.

Fraud Investigation

Disprove exaggerated injury claims with covert video evidence of activities.

Camera & Security Systems

Install covert/overt cameras for comprehensive video monitoring and surveillance.

Our Clients

Don’t just take our word for it

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Antoine Benton
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Karol Mcnally
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Bianka Hilton

Nolan Enterprises has a wide range of surveillance options to meet your needs:

Our legally compliant covert cameras capture impactful evidence that can be used to prevent theft, avoid liability, or disprove fraudulent workers compensation claims.

Our legally compliant covert cameras capture impactful evidence that can be used to prevent theft, avoid liability, or disprove fraudulent workers compensation claims.

Child Custody

Documenting evidence related to child custody arrangements, visitation compliance, and potential signs of neglect or endangerment.

Documenting evidence of child custody, visitation, and potential neglect is vital for children’s well-being. This includes gathering court orders, communication records, and maintaining a visitation log. Documenting neglect, abuse, or substance abuse affecting the parent’s ability to care for the child is also important. 

Fraud Investigation



When done properly, surveillance is a legal and useful method of gathering intelligence and protecting people.

In cases of workplace theft, employees looking to steal quickly learn the locations of cameras and blind spots. Often theft is a crime of opportunity. For example, employees working in a large but remote manufacturing plant realize the security is lax and there are many unguarded exits. Soon after, merchandise starts disappearing and inventory shrinkage becomes an issue. Using sophisticated camera equipment and years of experience, our surveillance investigators get footage too good to be true: up close footage documenting theft. Depending on your goals – criminal prosecution or civil remedies – we can use the footage to start buiilding a case or call local law enforcement to act immediately.

It is common for employees to file fraudulent workers compensation claims against their employers. Often, a worker will claim a severe injury, but are caught on tape using their full range of motion, or in some cases, playing full-intensity sports, or power lifting at the gym. This type of fraud costs employers and insurance carries millions of dollars, and is based on fraud. A skilled surveillance investigator can lawfully capture video footage that can be used to protect the employer from this type of fraud.

They don’t call us gumshoes for nothing. Even in the digital age, some intelligence still has to be gathered the old-fashioned way: through surveillance. The truth is, there are databases that contain everyone’s employment records – but these are not lawfully accessible in the private sector. Smart criminals use burner phones, phony addresses, and pay with cash. Surveillance is still the most effective method for identifying employment and income sources.

Sub Rosa is Latin for “Under the Rose.” The rose is an ancient symbol of secrecy. In the context of Worker’s Compensation Fraud, a Sub Rosa investigation refers to legally permissible covert surveillance of a Claimant suspected of filing a fraudulent claim.

Surveillance is used extensively in custody cases, as it can confirm a parent’s behavior and activities.

Surveillance is often used in Sub Rosa investigations by insurance carriers to prove a fraudulent workers compensation claim.

Surveillance often used by banks and trust officers to locate heirs and missing persons.

Surveillance is often used to track assets and prove employment for marital dissolution cases, conflict of interest cases, and fraud/embezzlement cases.

Contact us to learn more about our suite of surveillance services.​

Contact us to learn more about our suite of surveillance services.​

Missing Persons​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Surveillance is the active and persistent monitoring of one or more individuals’ to track their behavior, activities, and current location.  It can be done at a distance, or up close and personal.   Surveillance helps private employers disprove fraudulent workers compensation claims, identify the theft of company assets, and unwanted and illegal behavior by company employees.   Nolan Enterprises’ surveillance team Identifies fraud, monitors and tracks assets, and provides stakeholders with timely updates on potential threats. 

When done properly, surveillance is a legal and useful method of gathering intelligence and protecting people.   

It is common for employees to file fraudulent workers compensation claims against their employers.   Often, a worker will claim a severe injury, but are caught on tape using their full range of motion, or in some cases, playing full-intensity sports, or power lifting at the gym.  This type of fraud costs employers and insurance carries millions of dollars, and is based on fraud.  A skilled surveillance investigator can lawfully capture video footage that can be used to protect the employer from this type of fraud. 

In cases of workplace theft, employees looking to steal quickly learn the locations of cameras and blind spots.   Often theft is a crime of opportunity.  For example, employees working in a large but remote manufacturing plant realize the security is lax and there are many unguarded exits.   Soon after, merchandise starts disappearing and inventory shrinkage becomes an issue.  Using sophisticated camera equipment and years of experience, our surveillance investigators get footage too good to be true: up close footage documenting theft.   Depending on your goals – criminal prosecution or civil remedies – we can use the footage to start buiilding a case or call local law enforcement to act immediately. 

They don’t call us gumshoes for nothing.  Even in the digital age, some intelligence still has to be gathered the old-fashioned way: through surveillance.   The truth is, there are databases that contain everyone’s employment records – but these are not lawfully accessible in the private sector.  Smart criminals use burner phones, phony addresses, and pay with cash.  Surveillance is still the most effective method for identifying employment and income sources. 

Camera & Security Systems

Secure your facility with Nolan Enterprises’ alarm system installation program.  For commercial facilities, private homes and estates, and remote facility monitoring.  Depending on your needs, you can view a live stream, install a DVR system for continuous recording.

Highly customizable system, hardware, installation & service.

Door & window sensors

Fire detection

Flood detection

Interior and exterior monitoring

Intrusion detection

Motion detection

On-demand monitoring services

Remote access

Remote disarm

Remote viewing


Contact us to learn more about our camera & security system offerings.

There are many cameras and mounting options, depending on your needs.  Traditional ‘box’ cameras rely on hardwiring and are permanently mounted.  Modular cameras can be covertly placed and monitored remotely.   The panoramic ‘eye in the sky’ cameras often used in casinos and public venues give great vantages.  For blind spots and asset protection, we recommend the use of positioning cameras to cover every angle.  For industrial applications, there are even cameras that can withstand deadly hazards.  

For evidentiary purposes, it is always wise to capture and save footage for a period of time.  Systems that stream live footage are of no use after an incident.  We recommend 4TB or 6TB SATA drives for high-definition video capture. 

Camera Systems DVR Installation

Nolan Enterprises can install and configure your security camera system.  We start with an assessment and can scale the system based on client needs and budget.  Capture continuous, high-definition video with the newest generation of DVRs, and protect your assets.  As part of your access control measures, camera systems are effective at identifying threats, viewing resources, and limiting entry.

Access control

Burglar alarms

Card readers


Locksmith / rekeying

Parking lot lighting/security lighting

Security cameras

Security gates

Site surveys

Scalability – the ability to grow with the needs of your organization

Ease of use – end-users must benefit from the system and know how to use it

Frame Rate and Video quality – grainy footage that cannot be used to identify threats are inadequate and outdated.  Thanks to modern technology, cameras are networked and high-quality footage can be captured and streamed.  

Camera systems have been proven to protect assets, clients, employees, and guests.  When paired with intercoms, alarm systems, keypads, and other security measures, they add a layer of security and serve as a deterrent.  

Employee Drug Abuse Detection

For clients operating large, remote manufacturing facilities, employee drug abuse represents a safety concern for the entire workforce and creates the potential for liability.  Nolan Enterprises is familiar with corporate concerns for maintaining a drug-free workplace and prioritizing employee safety. 

In California, where medical marijuana is legal, it is common for laborers to go to the parking lot on break and get high with co-workers.   If you wish to learn about employee lunchtime activities on company property, we offer several surveillance solutions to meet your objectives. 

Because it poses a safety concern, period.  Employees operating or in proximity to heavy machinery and moving vehicles need their full faculties and must pay attention to work safely.  Adding drugs into the mix leads to accidents, invites a criminal element, and leads to bigger problems.   Business owners have a responsibility to maintain a safe workplace for all employees and visitors.  Under the broken window theory, that allowing workplace drug abuse sends the message that the Company is lax in enforcing its policies, which encourages further crime and policy violations, eventually leading to theft and violence. 

If the employees are on company property, such as the employee parking lot, it is lawful for the employer to conduct surveillance in furtherance of protecting its assets.  However, there are some caveats.  Surveillance cannot be performed in places where an employee would have an expectation of privacy, such as a restroom or locker room.   The use of telescopic lenses is also prohibited.   Lastly, California is a two-party consent state with respect to audio recording of conversations.   To avoid violating California law, our team of seasoned surveillance investigators use cameras which do not record audio.  

Covery surveillance can “get the shot” that security guards cannot.  Uniformed guards in marked patrol cars are easy to identify and lookouts are able to warn co-workers to clear out before security arrives on the scene.   Nolan Enterprises uses lawful and effective techniques to get video evidence that helps you enforce your policies and remove the bad apples from the bunch. 

Employee Theft Detection

Where there is opportunity, there is theft.  The more valuable your product and materials, the more often we are faced with the cat-and-mouse game of detecting and stopping employee theft.   The surveillance team at Nolan Enterprises has spent years aiding corporate clients with workplace theft investigations.  Sadly, law enforcement may not be able to immediately intervene.   For immediate assistance, start building your case with lawfully obtained evidence that can support criminal charges and civil remedies.  

Asset recovery

Coordination with local law enforcement

Covert surveillance

GPS tracking for fleet vehicles

Investigative interviews

Remote cameras


Contact us to learn about our how you can prevent and stop employee theft.

When done by professionals, surveillance footage can be used as the basis for employee discipline, including termination.  If employees are aware that the company takes its security seriously and employees surveillance investigators, this information will deter future theft.

Once employees are engaged in workplace theft, our team can track buyers, storage of your product, and after interviewing suspects and obtaining written admissions of guilt, we lawfully recover your stolen assets.

Fraud Detection & Prevention

Workers Comp fraud costs California employers $1 to $3 billion per year.  In addition, fraudulent claims result in higher premiums for all California employers.  The surveillance team at Nolan Enterprises is experienced with Sub Rosa investigations.  

Workers Compensation fraud is when an employee misrepresents the severity of a workplace injury to gain a financial benefit.  Examples include lying about an injury or an illness, exaggerating the extent of an injury, or working another job while accepting workers compensation benefits.   

Based on estimates by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), workers’ compensation fraud costs U.S. employers $30 billion annually.  

The most common forms of Workers Compensation Fraud include:

Exaggerated injury or illness

An employee Claimant exaggerates the extent of a genuine injury or illness.

Fictitious injury or illness

An employee invents an injury or illness that never occurred. 

Injury did not originate in the workplace

An employee is injured away from the workplace but misrepresents the origin of the injury in order to receive benefits.   The employee may also exaggerate the extent of the injury.  

Double Dipping

an employee Claimant files a fraudulent claim, claiming they are unable to work.  They begin collecting Worker’s Compensation benefits, but also get another job, and thus collects two incomes.  If the claimant was genuinely injured, they would not be able to work due to the claimed injury.   Nolan Enterprise is adept at locating claimants, tracking their activities in a legally permissible manner, and documenting the fraud.


Surveillance can also be used to detect theft of trade secrets and acts that constitute economic espionage.

Sub Rosa is Latin for “Under the Rose.”  The rose is an ancient symbol of secrecy.  In the context of Worker’s Compensation Fraud, a Sub Rosa investigation refers to legally permissible covert surveillance of a Claimant suspected of filing a fraudulent claim.  

 then refers to the secret act of surveillance of a person. The Sub Rosa investigation of an employee who has made a workers’ compensation claim is a powerful tool to potentially document evidence against the claimant.


State of California Department of Industrial Relations, 

Workers Compensation Appeals Board

California Department of Insurance Fraud Division

Laws that protect businesses against economic espionage and theft of trade secrets 

18 U.S. Code §1831. Economic espionage

(a) In General.—Whoever, intending or knowing that the offense will benefit any foreign government, foreign instrumentality, or foreign agent, knowingly—

(1) steals, or without authorization appropriates, takes, carries away, or conceals, or by fraud, artifice, or deception obtains a trade secret;

(2) without authorization copies, duplicates, sketches, draws, photographs, downloads, uploads, alters, destroys, photocopies, replicates, transmits, delivers, sends, mails, communicates, or conveys a trade secret;

(3) receives, buys, or possesses a trade secret, knowing the same to have been stolen or appropriated, obtained, or converted without authorization;

(4) attempts to commit any offense described in any of paragraphs (1) through (3); or

(5) conspires with one or more other persons to commit any offense described in any of paragraphs (1) through (3), and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy,

shall, except as provided in subsection (b), be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both.

(b) Organizations.—Any organization that commits any offense described in subsection (a) shall be fined not more than $10,000,000.

(Added Pub. L. 104–294, title I, §101(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3488.)

18 U.S. Code §1832. Theft of trade secrets

(a) Whoever, with intent to convert a trade secret, that is related to or included in a product that is produced for or placed in interstate or foreign commerce, to the economic benefit of anyone other than the owner thereof, and intending or knowing that the offense will, injure any owner of that trade secret, knowingly—

(1) steals, or without authorization appropriates, takes, carries away, or conceals, or by fraud, artifice, or deception obtains such information;

(2) without authorization copies, duplicates, sketches, draws, photographs, downloads, uploads, alters, destroys, photocopies, replicates, transmits, delivers, sends, mails, communicates, or conveys such information;

(3) receives, buys, or possesses such information, knowing the same to have been stolen or appropriated, obtained, or converted without authorization;

(4) attempts to commit any offense described in paragraphs (1) through (3); or

(5) conspires with one or more other persons to commit any offense described in paragraphs (1) through (3), and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy,

shall, except as provided in subsection (b), be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

(b) Any organization that commits any offense described in subsection (a) shall be fined not more than $5,000,000.

(Added Pub. L. 104–294, title I, §101(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3489.)

The Security experts Nolan Enterprises are familiar with Loss Prevention in retail and office environments.  Protect your facility, your assets, and your intellectual property. Our security systems prevent and deter theft by customers and employees.   Loss Prevention is a critical security measure for retail businesses – profit literally walks out the door! 

Nolan Enterprises installs HD video surveillance systems capable of capturing video footage at 720p or 1080p resolution.   We not recommend the use of inexpensive, low-resolution cameras.  Although they save money at the front end, the footage is not useful for positively identifying a person.   Low-res, grainy footage even has difficulty capturing license plate numbers when installed in parking areas!  To make sure your footage can aid in prosecution, make sure your system captures footage in high definition.  

We also offer hidden cameras for blind spots and areas where shoplifters and employees may stage items for later theft.  We take asset protection & recovery seriously and can help you deploy covert cameras to enhance your existing camera system.  


To learn more about our Loss Prevention camera systems, contact us.

Covert surveillance cameras such as hidden cameras can be used lawfully to prevent theft of retail items.  The use of covert cameras are still subject to the same privacy laws as traditional security cameras.   For example, in California, the cameras:

  1. Cannot audio record
  2. Cannot be placed in a fitting room or restroom, or any area with an expectation of privacy 

As long as the cameras do not violate any privacy laws, it is lawful to use such cameras to detect and prevent theft by customers and employees.  

Not without their permission.  Unlike the federal law which only requires one party to consent to the recording, California requires consent from the other party.  


Federal Wiretapping law

California Wiretapping law

Mobile Surveillance

Mobile Surveillance, also known as Physical Surveillance is the professional watching and/or following of someone (the “Subject”) to document and record the Subject’s whereabouts, actions, behavior, and other information of interest to the client.  Surveillance is lawful when it is conducted in public places where the Subject has no expectation of privacy.   

Nolan Enterprises uses seasoned corporate investigators who are familiar with private-sector limitations for surveillance and ensuring that our footage is admissible as evidence.  

Surveillance is now often assisted by technology, such as binoculars, cameras, and other recording devices.  This greatly assists in capturing “the shot” our client needs, but it also opens up a host of questions regarding the legality of the captured footage.  Several factors must be considered, such as trespassing, audio recording/wiretapping, and the Subject’s expectation of privacy.  In essence, only use competent, licensed investigators to ensure the footage was captured in lawful manner that can withstand 3rd party scrutiny. 

Hidden cameras

Mounted Cameras

Key chain cameras

Camera/GPS monitoring for fleet vehicles

Dash cams

These devices are used to observe customers, employees, and guests in places where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.   Recording in restrooms, locker rooms and anywhere with an expectation of privacy is illegal.  Audio recording of conversations is also illegal, as consent is required in California to record someone’s voice.  

  • Surveillance is used extensively in custody cases, as it can confirm a parent’s behavior and activities.
  • Surveillance is often used in Sub Rosa investigations by insurance carriers to prove a fraudulent workers compensation claim. 
  • Surveillance often used by banks and trust officers to locate heirs and missing persons.  
  • Surveillance is often used to track assets and prove employment for marital dissolution cases, conflict of interest cases, and fraud/embezzlement cases.  

Nolan Enterprises recognizes that many of our clients already have existing camera systems.  For clients looking to upgrade to remote monitoring, we offer professional remote video monitoring systems.  Our experts are skilled Loss Prevention specialists who can directly intervene, or call for law enforcement to dispatch police to the scene.  Increase your security presence by using mounted security cameras and patrolling security guards.  

Our Remote Surveillance services are scalable – if you have an annual event that sees a major increase in foot traffic, we can assist with remote video monitoring of your facilities and parking lots.  Aside from Loss Prevention, our remote video monitoring services can deter vandalism, increase parking lot safety, and create a safer more enjoyable experience for your customers and guests. 

Whether you have a multi-camera system or a single stand-alone camera over a cash register, we can assist with live remote monitoring.  

  • Defend against frivolous lawsuits 
  • Deter theft
  • Deter vandalism
  • Increase employee safety
  • Monitor Cash registers
  • Monitor employees to ensure productivity and prevent time theft
  • Monitor renovation sites to prevent theft and vandalism

Stop vandalism, protect your assets and employees, and invest in your business by using Nolan Enterprises to install, monitor, and upgrade your security camera system.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a limited set of monitors.  The signal is not openly transmitted, and is used by private businesses for video surveillance in areas that need monitoring.  This includes banks, retail stores, jewelry stores, and other areas where security is needed. 


Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Remote Surveillance

Remote surveillance is the next evolution in remote monitoring.   Nolan Enterprises can help you find the remote surveillance solution that meets your needs.  

View and manage your security camera system from anywhere.  Using a smartphone or tablet, you can view live footage, change camera direction & settings, and play back previously recorded video footage.  Video is transmitted from the camera via a RF transmitter and sent to a receiver.  The receiver can either be a storage device, such as a DVR system, or cloud storage.

View multiple cameras simultaneously

Play back recorded video footage

Save clips & take screenshots

Easy retrieval of video footage

Facial recognition biometrics

Perfect for off-site security


Contact us to learn more about our Remote Surveillance options.

An Internet Protocol camera, or IP camera, is a type of digital video camera that receives and sends image data via the Internet. They are commonly used for surveillance. Unlike analog closed-circuit television cameras, they require no local recording device, only a local area network. 

Unmanned Surveillance

Nolan Enterprises recognizes that surveillance can be an expensive proposition.  In many cases, our investigators need to show a pattern of activity, not just one isolated event.  For such cases, it may be wise to use our Unmanned Surveillance solutions.  

Once cameras are placed, they capture footage over extended periods of time.  This solution often works well for monitoring assets and materials.  In addition, the cost is greatly decreased, as there is no need for physical surveillance.  Since we can use motion detection to trigger the camera, long battery life can be achieved.  

Nolan Enterprises now offers geo-fence and geo-tracking technology.   This feature can be invaluable in theft cases for tracking unauthorized movement of assets and materials.  Maintenance and data retrieval is performed as needed by trained professionals.

Remotely access cameras 24/7

Capture HD footage

Decreased cost

Motion-detection activated

Geo fence and Geo tracking enabled


Contact us to learn about our unmanned surveillance solutions. 

Under California Code, Penal Code § 637, “No person or entity in this state shall use an electronic tracking device to determine the location or movement of a person.”  However, the next section states: 

(b) This section shall not apply when the registered owner, lessor, or lessee of a vehicle has consented to the use of the electronic tracking device with respect to that vehicle.

This means that private businesses that own their own fleet vehicles may lawfully use GPS tracking devices to track their own vehicles.  It is common for businesses that have a fleet of delivery or shipping vehicles and trucks to track their vehicles to monitor employee activity and detect theft.

A geo-fence is a virtual perimeter or ‘fence’ that you set up around the object that you are tracking.  For example, in theft investigations, we have set a geo-fence around a manufacturing plant and placed trackers inside each truck.  When a thief loads up a truck for a midnight run, the geo-fence is breached and the tracker alerts our surveillance team. 

The professionals at Nolan Enterprises can set up a geo-fence around your facility or a specific asset.  Track movement at your convenience.  We even offer push notifications to your phone with alerts.

Nolan Enterprises helps employers and insurance carriers with Sub Rosa Workers Comp Fraud investigations.

Workers Compensation fraud occurs when an employee misrepresents the severity of a workplace injury to gain a financial benefit. Examples include lying about an injury or an illness, exaggerating the extent of an injury, or working another job while accepting workers compensation benefits. Based on estimates by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), workers’ compensation fraud costs U.S. employers $30 billion annually.

Workers Comp fraud costs California employers $1 to $3 billion per year.  In addition, fraudulent claims result in higher premiums for all California employers. The surveillance team at Nolan Enterprises is experienced with Sub Rosa investigations.

The most common forms of Workers Compensation Fraud include:

Exaggerated injury or illness

An employee Claimant exaggerates the extent of a genuine injury or illness.

Fictitious injury or illness

An employee invents an injury or illness that never occurred. 

Injury did not originate in the workplace

An employee is injured away from the workplace but misrepresents the origin of the injury in order to receive benefits.   The employee may also exaggerate the extent of the injury.  

Double Dipping

an employee Claimant files a fraudulent claim, claiming they are unable to work.  They begin collecting Worker’s Compensation benefits, but also get another job, and thus collects two incomes.  If the claimant was genuinely injured, they would not be able to work due to the claimed injury.   Nolan Enterprise is adept at locating claimants, tracking their activities in a legally permissible manner, and documenting the fraud.

Sub Rosa is Latin for “Under the Rose.”  The rose is an ancient symbol of secrecy.  In the context of Worker’s Compensation Fraud, a Sub Rosa investigation refers to legally permissible covert surveillance of a Claimant suspected of filing a fraudulent claim.  The goal is to not be detected and observe the Claimant acting naturally to determine if their level of activity and behaviors support or disprove the alleged injury or illness.

It is not illegal for an employer to hire a licensed Private Investigator to investigate potentially fraudulent Worker’s Compensation claims.  As long as the investigator does not audio record the Claimant,  does not use telescopic lenses, and does not obtain footage in places where there is an expectation of privacy, such as restrooms or locker rooms.  As long as the investigation is conducted in a lawful manner that does not violate privacy, it is legal.


State of California Department of Industrial Relations, Workers Compensation Appeals Board

California Department of Insurance – Fraud Division

Tracy Nolan


Who We are

Nolan Enterprises is a licensed California Private Investigation Agency.  Our team is a unique combination of Corporate Investigators & Law Enforcement personnel and excels at performing complex corporate investigations. Using public records and decades of practical investigative experience, we assist clients in protecting assets, avoiding liability, and deterring theft and misconduct.

Nolan Enterprises is committed to providing comprehensive security solutions to its clients. With Tracey and Jeff’s combined background in law enforcement and military, the team at Nolan Enterprises is well-equipped to offer an array of services, from Private Investigation,  security consulting, and Active Shooter Training.


Nolan Enterprises Executive Protection, Surveillance & Investigations

Nolan Enterprises has 30 years of experience working to bridge the gap between corporate security needs and professional law enforcement. 

Executive Protection




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Private Investigation

Remote Surveillance

Fraud Detection


Background Checks

Workplace Investigations

Workplace Violence

Employee Theft Detection

Fraud Detection & Prevention

Mobile Surveillence